












Seize the day

Seize the day
The fall in the price of oil and gas provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix bad energy policies.

Why I pick up this article: Ms.Lily, a teacher in Berliz (Canada)

Seize the day = Now is the time to rationalize energy policy
(1) What has been changed?
A: Oil price (+ advances in clean energy and conservation)
The price has plunged in six months. (+ management of energy consumption)
The challenge: Producing enough of oil >>> Managing abundance of oil

(2) What is the core problem?
A: energy policy (fuel subsidies / carbon tax)
Ex: America has changed to produce enough oil but it still…
bans the export of oil and restricts exports of natural gas
subsidizes for ethanol producing farmers and nuclear plants
Ex: World has put too much subsidies on fossil fuels
$550,000,000 in a year led to 36% of global carbon emission (1980-2010)

(3) What should be a better policy?
A1: Raise taxes on fossil fuels (A carbon tax)
Ex: America puts a tax of just 18 cents / a gallon (3.785l) on petrol.
A2: Encouraging the growth of seamless global energy market
Ex: Scrapping unfair obstacles to energy investments

(1) Price of energy heavily effects on human behavior and its decision. Can you describe some examples? What is cause and effect?
(2) Do you agree with the idea of the Economist? Why and why not?
(3) Some might say that tax on selective things (tabacco/cars) distort free 


The pros and cons of a SWIFT response

Financial sanctions
The pros and cons of a SWIFT response
Blocking rogue states’ access to the world’s financial-messaging network is a potent measure, but it carries long-term risks

l   SWIFT = the electronic financial-messaging system of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. It provides a template that helps international transfers flow smoothly and be tracked.
l   The network’s very usefulness means it is increasingly being cast in a new role, as a tool of international sanctions
Iranian banks
Nuclear suspicious
Russian banks
EU (Britain/Poland)
Invasion of Ukraine
Israel Banks?
Taiwanese Banks?
Pro-Palestinian Group
Palestine Conflicts
China vs. Taiwan
l   If the sanction is imposed, more than 90% of transactions involving Russian banks cross borders would stop. Foreign firms that do business in Russia would suffer.

l   It is one of the effective sanctions for rogue states.
l   It provides useful information against terrorism. Though terrorists know that SWIFT is monitored by spooks, they still use it: they know it bring risks, but sometimes they have no obvious alternatives.
l   It could come to be seen as an instrument of foreign policy, thereby weakening its neutrality. (Above examples)
l   It could lead to the creation of a rival. Russia’s central bank is working to develop an alternative network.
l   It might interfere with attempts to track the finances of Islamic State.

l   Which side do you prefer to stand for and why?
l   Should SWIFT impose sanction on Russian banks according to EU request?

l   Do you know other examples that have the same kind of problem?


The world's biggest economic problem

The world's biggest economic problem
Deflation in the euro zone is all too close and extremely dangerous.

I picked up this article is because the title is sensational. It states deflation as "the biggest" or "extremely" dangerous problem. Why does the Economist think so? We have to understand the risk of “deflation”.

l   The logic of the article is clear as usual. In the former section, it points out the risk of deflation in Europe. Overall inflation rate of the euro zone has slipped to zero and this deflation poses far greater risk to the region and the world. The euro zone is now on the verge of tipping into its recession. In the latter section, it presents prescriptions to the issue.
l   This time, I would like to rather focus on the former section which mention why deflation is dangerous for us. This article explains the danger in a short sentence; if people and firms expect prices to fall, they stop spending, and as demand sinks, loan default rise. Do you really understand the danger? For me, not yet.

(1) What kind of image do you have on "deflation"?
I don't want to discuss this academically. Whatever answer is possible. Deflation is Positive / Negative / Nothing, etc. If you have some keywords or image in your mind, please share them. My definition is that money values up as time goes by. It means money becomes attractive increasingly.

(2) What will happen when the economy is in deflation?
The article mentions that Japan fell into deflation in the late 90's and is still struggling. People in the world have a strong interest in Japan's case. What do you answer when someone asks you about life in deflation?

(3) Why does deflation harm the economy destructively?

The economist thinks deflation is dangerous because of its chain-reacting negative effects. But price of goods is decided relatively so price fluctuation seems to lead no bad effects. Can you explain why in your words?


Drawing the line

The right to be forgotten
Drawing the line
Google grapples with the consequences of a controversial ruling on the boundary between privacy and free speech

The article starts from Spanish lawyer’s case in which the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled in May that Google must remove certain links on request. This ruling has established a digital “right to be forgotten” and forced Google to tackle on setting boundaries between privacy and freedom of speech.
Two rights had coexisted occasionally offline, but online, these rights conflict frequently. Complicating matter is that American people put much importance on freedom of speech, but on the other hand, Europeans prefer to value on privacy.  

(1) What kind of information should be removed?
ECJ’s decision is vague. It ordered Google not to show a link if it is “inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant” unless there is a “preponderant” public interest. Google is now piling cases which can help them to set boundaries of removal. What type of information do you think should be removed from results?

(2) How should users be made aware of the fact that the result has been affected by the ruling?
We already know that Google’s search results are somewhat controlled by the company (ex: advertising banners) but we still rely on its results. If Google change its results based on ECJ’s ruling, should it state clearly that its results are changed on someone’s requests?

(3) Whether should Google remove links from searches everywhere, not just on its European sites?

ECJ’s decision can be applied to other regions. Google provides its service globally and right to know or to be forgotten can be changed in places. What do you think Google should do in other places if requested?


Mission relaunched

America and Islamic State
Mission relaunched

Barak Obama has been trying to avoid getting into a fight in Syria for more than 3 years but he at last faced up to the inevitable fights with the jihadists. His attempt to deal with them is a test of America’s commitment to global security.

America seems to be locked in relative decline in recent years and overwhelmed by the forces of disorder. IS embodies this frightening trend. It is a non-state body and thrives on chaos. Its rise has also reflects American policy (Mr. Bush’s invasion of Iraq and Mr. Obama’s studious inaction in Syria).

Standing back has not worked well elsewhere in the world. When America stepped back, its allies also stepped back, too. IS has induced a change of heart among the American people by threatening them. Mr. Obama has a chance not just strike a blow for order in the Middle East, but also to give diclinists pause.

Mr. Obama should take a lesson from the mismanagement in post-invasion Iraq. He needs coalitions and partnerships from Sunnis, the UN, Britain, Turkey and so on. Although the mission to stop IS will be long and hard, it is true that no other nation could even contemplate.

1.        The economist clearly suggests the America interfere in the situation in the Middle East. But, some people think it should not. What kind opinion do you have on this issue?

2.        One of the reason why IS hates the America and the Western society is a wide gap between Western society and the other places including their places. Why do you think this kind of gap leads hatred? How should we act to ease the situation?












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平和な世界を築こうとする多くの試みもこのTEDxKyotoでは紹介された。宗教の立場からは妙心寺退蔵院禅僧の松山のスピーチが印象的だった。宗教は人々に安心感を与える役割がある、にもかかわらず世界にはいまだに多くの宗教がいがみあっている、おかしいのではないか、という彼の問題意識は示唆に富んでいる。日本人は宗教観に乏しいと言われる、例えばクリスマス、除夜の鐘、初詣と切り出すお決まりのネタを持ち出しながらも、日本の仏教徒として、そうした日本人の独特な宗教観に、世界の平和と調和の可能性を見いだす彼の洞察はとても説得力に満ちている。宗教間駅伝の試みも含め、ユーモアにあふれ知的で、宗教家かくあるべしだと感じた内容だった。芸術は人類共通の感動をもたらす。そうした芸術の立場から平和を訴えるのが、冒頭に登場したシンガーソングライターの涼恵や芸術家のKya Kimだ。涼恵は神楽の音楽や舞を世界の人に感銘をもたらす独自の歌へと深化させた。Kimのピースマスクプロジェクトは、国境やジェンダーの垣根を越えて信頼と平和を訴えるシンボルを生み出す。彼らに共通するのは、人類共通の願いである平和、共存共栄への願いを目の前に具体的な形として提示したことにある。





Internship / Generation i

Internship / Generation i   from The Economist sep 6th 2014 print edition

(1)   Internship booming
What kind of image do you have on “internship”?

l   The internship is now ubiquitous across America and beyond and is becoming 1st step for white-color career. Now 63% of American students do at least 1 internship before graduating.
l   Both employees and recruiters can get benefit from internship. Universities also encourage students to find their career by using internship.

(2)   Unpaid internship
Should companies pay students for their participation? Who should pay for internships?

l   Unpaid internship is becoming the norm just as hiring becoming risker, pricer and more complex. Internship has become an appealing alternative.
l   In order to be unpaid, an internship must be “similar to training which would be given in an educational environment”
l   American courts are starting to find that many internships fail these tests. More than 30 lawsuits have been brought in America. Some European countries are changing their laws and some firms are now rethinking their unpaid scheme but the change is slow.

(3) Rights of fairness to access to jobs
Can job candidates claim their “rights” to get internships if it is essential to get prestigious jobs?

Access to jobs has been restricted. The privately educated were more likely to enter prestigious professions. One of the reasons is that they 


Easeful death

Assisted suicide
Easeful death
Most people in the Western world favour assisted suicide. The law should reflect their will.

The economist supports making assisted suicide legal by taking the case of Tony Nicklinson who was a former rugby player and skydiver, developed locked-in syndrome. In Britain, its House of Lords is trying to pass laws to guarantee the right of easeful death. In addition to this, this newspaper argues that societies need to find their own boundaries and carve out exception after careful consideration (gradualism).

Objection side:
l   Assisted suicide should not allow on moral or religious grounds.
l   It conflicts with doctor’s oath to “do no harm”(the Hippocratic oath)
l   Vulnerable people may feel pressure to spare their carers the burden

Britain’s case:
l   Require an individual wanting to die to be assessed by two doctors and be judged to have less than six months to live.
l   Have to administer the lethal drugs himself
l   Allow only for people whose death is imminent

l   Do you support assisted suicide? Which opinion do you prefer to stand?
l   Can you accept the right of easeful death for…
      brain death people or people who cannot express their will
      terminally ill children
      not imminent people (Nicklinson)
      people who have suicidal thoughts
How should we find our own boundaries and exceptions? Should we set 


Unblinking Putin

Russia and Ukraine
Unblinking Putin(瞬き1つしないプーチン)

I chose this article because it is the most commented article (got over 530) in the issue but I don’t have much attention to the crisis so I want to understand. Not only Ukrainian and Russian but also people in EU countries have much interest to the incident because of energy security.

Location: Between EU/NATO and Russia + Gas pipelines from Russia to EU

Leaders in Ukraine
Viktor Yuschenko Yulia Tymoshenko Viktor Yanukovych   Poroshenko
(2005-2010 / Orange Revolution)     (2010-2014)   (2014- / Chocolate king)

Key words:
l   The trade deal with the EU and civil demonstration
l   Gazprom: Russian energy company
l   Third round of sanctions from the West

l   Do you know Ukraine? Please share your ideas or knowledge of Ukraine.

l   Should Japan join to the third round of sanctions to Russia? If you think YES/NO, what is the reason to it?








Quality time

Quality time
Why shrinking populations may be no bad thing

<Main topic>
Is a fertility rate at replacement level the right target?

<Points of the article>
l   Education makes dependency ratio* much lower than previously thought.
      *The number of children and pensioners compared with people of working age
l   Not everyone of working age contribute equally to supporting pensioners.
l   Better-educated are more productive and healthier, retire later and live longer.
l   The highest welfare would follow long-term fertility rates of 1.5-1.8
l   Educating more people to a higher level will be expensive but will contribute more to the economy, so the investment will pay off.
l   Moreover, fewer people will help limit future climate change. (!?)
l   (Conclusion) The worries about falling populations are better addressed by education than baby bonuses or tax breaks.

(1) In previous discussion, we covered questions such as “Does demographic change matter?” “Should Japan accept immigrants on a big scale?” These focus on the quantity of people; it means the population of working age is shrinking so we have to take some actions (raise birth rate / accept immigrants). But this article mentions the quality of people, which is that education is one possible solution of demographic issue. Does this indication make sense?
(2) I chose this article because of the subtitle. But, after reading I think this article is logically poor, isn’t fully organized and needs more supports to make its opinion more persuasive. What is your impression of the article? If you are the author, how to revise it?