
3-11 The dream that failed

Nuclear power
A year after Fukushima, the future for nuclear power is not bright—for reasons of cost as much as safety

The world are interested in the situation of Japan. We should explain or state our opinion on nuclear technology. The article explains from the view of cost and benefit logically.

Discussion: Should we still struggle with nuclear innovation or design regulation to stimulate shifting from nuclear technology?

Nuclear technology was once thought to be a technology that makes our dream comes true providing a cheap, plentiful, reliable and safe source of electricity for centuries to come. But it has not. Our conclusion that the industry was “safe as a chocolate factory” proves to be a myth.

Safety requirements: (1) good engineering (2) independent regulation, (3) a meticulous, self-critical safety culture.

Independent regulation is harder when the industry being regulated exists largely by government fiat(法令). ó Without governments private companies would simply not choose to build nuclear-power plants.
This is in part because of (1) the risks they face from local opposition and changes in government policy. But it is mostly because (2) reactors are very expensive indeed. In America, shale gas has slashed the cost of alternatives

For nuclear to play a greater role:
(1) it must get cheaper or (2) others must get more expensive. A carbon tax makes the second option more promising but in practice doesn’t.

Innovation is possible but for innovation such as small reactors it needs a large market in which to compete against each other. But such a market does not exist.

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