Oil reserves
Don’t roll out the barrels
America’s strategic stockpile of
oil should be held back for a genuine emergency
Discussion point:
Should government control the price of oil
by resorting stocked oil or not?
The Economist suggestion:
Barak Obama should resist resorting oil
from strategic stockpile, SPR. The strategic reserve should be kept for a real
emergency, not squandered for reasons of political expediency.
*SPR = Strategic Petroleum Reserve that holds 700m barrels of oil in
vast underground caverns strung along the Gulf of Mexico, set up in 1975 after
a succession of oil crises.
Mr. Obama is plainly tempted to
release oil from SPR
- Soaring price of Brent crude and petrol that hits lives of people
- The approaching US election that bothers Mr. Obama
- David Cameron’s support for the decision of Obama
However, the purpose of the SPR
is to dampen the effects of catastrophic supply shocks, not to ease a
president’s political difficulties.
- Gulf war, Hurricane Katrina, no such shock has happened this time.
- Only 15% more expensive oil than at the start of the year.
- Saudi Arabia’s promise to ensure that the world has adequate supplies.
Add to this, he should resist for
two reasons:
- He risks draining reserves while there is a threat that Iran may try to shut the Strait of Hormuz that is exactly the sort of emergency.
- The effort is likely to be ineffective, as the Libyan episode illustrates.
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