Spain and the markets
A full bail-out of the euro
area’s fourth-largest economy is looming
Why I picked up the article
We are not so interested in and
surprised with EU’s current bail-out situation. “Again? Yes, I know” this is
our frank impression. “The next country is Spain…” We always heard about that.
But we don’t know so much “Why Spain? “ This article explains why Spain is
patient and why they need a full bail-out.
Why is Spain in hard situation and who
should be responsible for a bail-out?
(1) Spain’s
ten-year bond yields touched 7.75% on July 25th.
Previous bail out of Greece,
Ireland and Portugal occurred not long after rates has surpassed 7%. (Japan’s
ten-year bond yields is around 0.74% on August 3rd.
(2) Spain’s
situation does not look bad since their government continues its effort.
Public debt, 69% of GDP is lower
than Italy’s 120% less even than Germany’s 81%. The budget deficit is high but
prime minister announced more tough austerity measures. European finance ministers
approved to put €100 billion partial bail-out for Spanish bank.
(3) Why does Spain need full bail
Mario Rajoy failed hard choices at the
beginning, notably cleansing of the banks. Spain’s high
external debt (the highest in euro area) is the biggest worry. Foreign capital
has been fleeting over the past year. That has weakened the banks and its
(4) Choices
The European Stability Mechanism (ESM),
their new permanent rescue fund would be a hope but ESM cannot come into force
until September (Germany’s court will rule) They have some cash reserve and can still
borrow at short maturities and can use the euro area’s temporary rescue fund.
It may possibly survive the summer. But Spain needs €385 billion to cover its
budget deficit and will consume almost all of their rescue fund. If the European central bank (ECB) starts
buying their bond, nerves will calm but it doesn’t want to.
6 members and 5 articles we had this week. Last week I tripped to Vietnam and Myanmar so I was absent 10th discussion in season 4.
6 members and 5 articles we had this week. Last week I tripped to Vietnam and Myanmar so I was absent 10th discussion in season 4.
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