
3-7 How to set Syria free


Why I picked up the article
“War on terror”, ”war on finance”and the next is ”war on religion”. American people like to battle with something else. I have read a book “Poor big power America ” written by Mika Tsutumi. It describes awful public care system in America. American know their own situation. Michel Moore’s “Sicko” focuses on health insurance and the pharmaceutical industry that failed to function properly. I would like to know why they hate social security system.

The discussion topic
1.       Do you agree with the claim of Republicans and Catholic Bishop that Obamacare really prevent the free exercise of religion?
2.       Why contraception becomes a big issue in every election in the US?

     Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act nicknamed “Obama care” is a controversial new rule that Republicans and Catholic Bishops strongly against because it consists contraception problem. Last summer the health department decreed that all new health insurance should cover birth control services for women, including the morning after pill and sterilization.

    Nothing in the new rule interferes with the freedom to worship. Nor will it require anybody to practice contraception against their will. But the rule will require institutions to pay for contraceptive drugs and services that they find objectionable.

     This is a case of two principles colliding. Catholic institutions are making a principled stand for what they see as sanctity of life. Obama administration argues that the well-being of women depends on affordable access to contraception. At some point, the courts will probably decide but Mr Obama should avoid the collision by taking evasive action because such clashes, which is called “a culture-war issue” in which one tribe uses governmental power to damage other, damages something worthwhile. 

Lexington Obama’s “war on religion” words and phrases

pass up opportunity チャンスを逃す

non-aggregation pact 不可侵条項

evaporate = turn from liquid into vapor:
ammunition 弾薬、飛び道具
controversial = a useful word to describe topics
“Obamacare”= Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
repeal 取り消す、撤回する
objectionable 異論すべき
decreed = order (something) by decree:
the morningafter pill
sterilization= usu. be sterilized) deprive (a person or animal) of the ability to produce offspring, typically by removing or blocking the sex organs.
exempt = free from an obligation or liability imposed on others
denomination 宗派
bishop 主教
pulpit 聖職者、聖教壇
practise contraception 避妊する
conscience 良心
pejorative 軽蔑的な
collide 衝突
sanctity 高潔さ
precedence 優先
evasive 回避的な 責任逃れの
absolutist 絶対主義者
relish = enjoy greatly
inflict 打撃を与える 苦しめる
religious vocation 宗教的職業
secular 世俗的な ó sacred / religious
predicament 苦境
stifle 息を止める

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