
4-21 The Tories’ barmiest policy

ESG Season4 21st meeting (Season4 last!)
DATE: 28th Oct. 2012 10:00-12:00
PLACE: Kanda, Tokyo
MEMBERS: Ogawa, Murakami, Shimada

Britain’s immigration policy is crippling business and the economy. Wake up, Mr Cameron
From Leaders

I thought Britain is one of the most "immigrant friendly" country in the world but in reality it doesn't come up like that. That's why I am interested on this article.

Other discussion

Sad Africa, the beloved country from Leaders




1.      日本が米中の関係に関心を持っているのと同様に、米国も日中関係をはじめとする東アジアのパワーバランスに大きな関心を寄せている。日中関係においては、米国が影響力の低下した日本離れをするのではないかと憂慮する向きもあるようだが、今回の討論会において米国は明確に日本寄りのスタンスを示しているように私の眼には映った。一方でお互いが米国の同盟国である日韓関係では明言を避けており、やはり民主主義という価値観を共有する日本は米国の対立軸とはなり得ず、一方で、共産主義を堅持する中国は、どんなに経済的に力をつけようとも米国のカウンターパートである。

2.      米国の冷静な視点は、ヒートアップしがちな東アジアの領土問題を考える上で三角測量として有効である。今般の緊迫化においても、米国は静観するにとどまらず、非公式に両氏を日本と中国に送るなど実際のアクションを起こして事態の沈静化に努めているという意味で、ステークホルダーであり、彼らの見解は単なる第三者意見以上のものである。日中両国はおたがいが引くに引けない状況に陥っており、事態の打開のためには、領土問題に触れないというネガティブな対応に加え、米国など第三者を交えた協同管理が一つわずかに希望の持てる選択肢であろう。

3.      ナイ教授は、ソフトパワーの観点から明確に首相の靖国参拝を批判していた。戦没者の鎮魂は各国に任せるべきだという意見が多い中、彼のはっきりとした物言いは印象的だった。しかし、昨今中国や韓国で盛んに喧伝される日本の右傾化懸念については、明確に否定している。ナイ教授の主張は現実的であり、東アジア外交にマイナスになるだけの靖国参拝については批判を繰り返していた。

4.      日本の核保有の可能性については、対アジアのみならず、日米同盟にも悪い影響を与えるとして疑問符をつけている。NPTの枠組みを多大なる成功と評価しており、日本の核武装はNPTの枠組みを踏み外すものだからだ。会場の意見は、日本は核武装すべきでないという意見が大半を占めたが、領土問題を巡る中韓政府の先鋭化は、国内の強硬意見を後押しするもので懸念される。

5.      米国の強みは、両氏のように十全たる政治経験を積みつつも、政府以外の立場から発言し、外交に影響力を与えることのできる人材の豊富さにあると認識。まさにスマートパワーを体現している。彼らの意見は、米国の本音である一方で第三者としての意見である。「本音と建前」は日本文化の象徴として有名だが、米国外交も匠にこの本音と建前を使い分けているように感じられた。その背景には、「回転ドア」とも評される人材の流動性が確保されている政治制度、人材の豊富さがある。

6.      日本にも個人として影響力のある人物や政治家はいるが、外交となるとパーティや表敬に終始している印象。ロムニー陣営の副大統領候補ポール・ライアン氏のように、自らのポリシーや政策案をレポートのように明確に示す人は、米国政治の世界で評価される印象。両氏も対日政策提言をまとめた第三次アーミテージ・ナイレポートがあり、そのレポートの存在が彼らが単なる表敬でない何らかのメッセージを伝えにきているという強い印象につながる。そしてその本音は、社交辞令が飛び交う外交的な建前の世界で自らのメッセージを伝える賢い手段となる。

7.      両氏の印象は、ナイ教授がいかにもリベラル派でハーバードの先生といったいでたちである一方、アーミテージ氏は巨漢で隆々の胸筋がいかつい。これで共和党の穏健派というから穏健という響きとのギャップがあった。人はすぐ人のことを肩書きや派閥で判断しがちだが、民主党と共和党と異なる政党に所属している両氏の意見は大方一致していた。また、民主党政権が両氏を派遣した点は政党を超えて識者を活用しようとするオバマ政権の意図が感じられ意外であった。

8.      政治主導と官僚機構の質問に対し、官僚機構はwisdomであり、「過去になにがおこったかのライブラリー」である、という言葉は印象的であった。彼らが法律や政令を作成するとき、最も大事にするのは「前例」である。官僚機構とは日本国政府の膨大な歴史的資料を、現在そして未来に生かす組織である。膨大な積み重ねの上に今がある。それを扱うのは知性である。いろいろな批判があるにせよ、その点は理解しなくてはならない。そして必要なのは新しい知恵や工夫をもたらす人を中にいれることだ、という指摘にも納得。官僚機構の知性を良く理解していて、もし問題があるとすれば、それをコントロールする大臣にあるという。


4-20 True Progressivism

ESG Season4 20th meeting
DATE: 21th Oct. 2012 10:00-12:00
PLACE: Kanda, Tokyo
MEMBERS: Ogawa, Murakami, Mizutani, Shimada, Yoshida

This week's cover article was insightful. Their insistence is that "A new form of radical centrist politics is needed to tackle inequality without hurting economic growth". They point out that the world in the beginning of 21st century is similar to the end of 19th century known as "Gilded Age" or "Progressive era" when the economy enlarged thanks to new technologies and on the contrary, inequality of the society came up in people's eyes. The newspaper pointed out this similarity and they show us some suggestions. Their suggestions are worth reading but what strikes me the most is their question in the beginning of the article, which is "Does inequality need to be tackled?". Their answer is yes and they explain why they think so. But most of the people including me inequality is someone else's business and are unaware of it. We cannot hesitate to answer the question as our own business. 

Inequality and the world economy

True Progressivism

A new form of radical centrist politics is needed to tackle inequality without hurting economic growth

The end of 19th century 
=“Progressive era(進歩主義時代)”
=globalization/ new inventions/ unequal era
“Gilded Age(金ぴか時代)” conspicuous consumption(顕示的消費)” 
“Robber baron(泥棒男爵)”  “Downton Abbey”
The aim of this era was to make society fairer without reducing its entrepreneurial vim. 

Modern politics needs to undergo a similar reinvention—to come up with ways of mitigating inequality without hurting economic growth. That dilemma is already at the centre of political debate, but it mostly produces heat, not light. At the core, there is a failure of ideas. A far more dramatic rethink is needed: call it True Progressivism.

To have or to have not
The Economist says that inequality has reached a stage where it can be inefficient and bad for growth.
(1) Does inequality really need to be tackled? (They say yes but why?)
(2) What is the logic of them? (merits/ demerits of inequality)

Compete, target and reform
The Economist says that there is the need for a True Progressive agenda. They have suggestion, which steals ideas from both left and right to tackle inequality in three ways that do not harm growth.
1. A Rooseveltian attack on monopolies and vested interests.
2. Target government spending on the poor and the young
3. Reform taxes: not to punish the rich but to raise money more efficiently and progressively

Different parts of this agenda are already being embraced in different countries. Such cross-dressing is a sign of change, but politicians have a long way to go.
(1) What is “Roosevelitan attack”?
(2) What is the “target” both in emerging world and rich world?
(3) How do they think to reform taxes?

My Choice

The IMF’s annual meetings

Time for a rethink

The fund ponders fiscal consolidation

As you know, the annual meetings were held in Tokyo last week. Why did they open in Tokyo? What was discussed? What should we keep in mind after the meeting? There is a short article in the Economist so I choose the topic.

What I want to discuss

(1) It was one of the largest international conferences held in Japan in a last decade. Was it successful? Have you ever join that kind of meetings? How was it?
(2) What was and should be in near future the IMF and World Bank’s purpose as an international organization?
(3) What kind of outlook should we share with financiers and policy makers around the world? (What should we keep in mind?)

What the article suggests

The fund’s new sets of global forecast (outlook)
The world economy is weakening, and it is not just a euro-area problem. Emerging-market growth is slowing, too. Even so, emerging markets get a good bill of health overall.

Prescriptions are obvious
America and Japan è The fund urge to end budgetary politicking(政治運動)
Britain, France and the Netherlands è Even the impact of fiscal consolidation(財政再建) is “large, negative, and significant”, the interest rate is historically low, so many could buy some time, reducing deficits more gradually so as to spread out the hit to growth.

The substance and timing of fiscal policy: “Slower, fairer, smarter”
(1) Shifting the balance towards increasing tax revenue, rather than cutting spending, would mean consolidation is less likely to increase inequality.
(2) Evidence suggests that generous unemployment benefits tend to increase joblessness. A better approach would be to fund job-search programmes and switch towards in-work benefits, including subsidised child care.

Other discussion

True Progressivism from Leaders
A little help from the invisible hand from Finance and Economics (Shimada)


4-19 Everything to play for

ESG Season4 19th meeting
DATE: 14th Oct. 2012 10:00-12:00
PLACE: Kanda, Tokyo
MEMBERS: Ogawa, Iino, Murakami, Mizutani, Shimada, Yoshida

From last week, we started a new style discussion. In ESG, we choose one article each and prepare for the weekend. The problem is we cannot decide articles in the beginning of the weeks. There is a short time to read and prepare for discussion. Our new style "START FROM THE TOP" will be a solution. Every week we start our discussion from top article (cover article). Merits of this style are:
(1) We can recognize on which article we will discuss, on at least one article in the beginning of the week.  
(2) We can take our time to read and prepare for the discussion at least on one article.
(3) We can pick up an article that the Economist thinks is the most important of the week.

The race for the White House got even closer. Now the candidate must face up to the real issue.

1. What is the main focus (topic) of the article?

The result of the first of three presidential debate
Mitt Romney outclassed Barak Obama.

(1) Who is superior to another and who is going to win at last?

Mr. Obama outperformed Mr. Romney in nine of the ten “swing states”. Mr. Romney has possibility to win the race but the time is running out because the election is on November 6th. Mr. Obama also still has to survive two more debates, possibly gloomy economic reports and the possibility of the October surprise, ether at home or abroad.

(2) What the Economist want to suggest in the article?

The outcome will be uncertain so both candidates should focus on a more deep, weighty issues than negative, small-minded issues. Voters should also focus on that.
Whatever the result is going to be, the state will be an extremely divided country: white and non-whites, ideological difference (Big and small government). So the next president will face striking challenges such as “fiscal cliff” in a short term, the need to close deficit in the medium term and tsunami of “entitlements” that America’s elderly expect to get.  

2. What are the controlling ideas?

The outcome of the first debate
Two PR disasters
The situation in the ten swing states
The style of both candidates in their campaign
Fiscal problems America is facing or will face

3. What are the backgrounds?

“Fiscal cliff”, (issues in America)
The history of American presidential elections
The schedule of the election
Mr. Ryan’s plan to reconstruct the states fiscal structure

4. How do you respond to the article?

It is important to know American election and its debating issues because its not the matter of America but also the matter of state. For example as Ms. Lagarde said in her interview that one of the world economical risks is America’s fiscal cliff because it will lead global recession in the time when EU is in crisis, China is going to shrink their economy and emerging economy is in ambiguous situation.

Other discussions

China’s state capitalism from Leaders (Iino)




1. 国際会議という「お祭り」

2. 世界で共有される課題

3. 会いたい人に会えることの貴重さ

 4. パネリストとコーディネーターの実力

5. ユーモアは注目される

6. 英語というツール

7. この人は何者か?は一分以内に評価される

8. 学歴と共通項

9. ロジを取りまとめるのも大事な能力


4-18 In search of a dream

ESG Season4 18th meeting
DATE: 7th Oct. 2012 10:00-12:00
PLACE: Kanda, Tokyo
MEMBERS: Ogawa, Murakami, Shimada, Yoshida

The next crisis:

Sponging boomers

The economic legacy left by the baby boomers is leading battle between generations.

From Finance and Economics

Why I pick up the article:

Kazuhiko Toyama who is a CEO of IGPI(経営共創基盤), a business consultant says in his book I recently read that the next social revolution will happen between generations as a result of expanding gap between them. His words are extreme and unique but he grasps the inner essence of today’s problem. This article also focuses on the same issue, so I picked up the article

What I want to discuss

How to cope with the crisis in the case of individuals?
Should we move to make a “revolution” to improve our future? What should we do?


The struggle to digest the swollen aging baby boomers threatens to strangle economic growth. Baby boomers in developed countries have lived a charmed life and enjoy benefits of a rise in labor supply, working women, smaller households and better education.

But these gains are one-off so younger generation cannot benefit from them. And they also cannot expect decades of rising asset prices. Having lived through a spectacular bull market, baby boomers now sell off their assets to finance retirement putting pressure on equity prices and younger generation to be wealthy.

More worrying is that they have political influence so they can influence to make government to put better tax policy for them (slashed tax rate in their prime earning years). Actually those aged over 60s in 2010 may receive $330 billion more in benefits from they pay in taxes, 17 times larger than those aged 25.

(1) Faster growth would help but debt left by baby boomers burdens growth. 
(2) Austerity is another option but it would require 35% cut to fix fiscal imbalances in America, where over 60s share of voting will rise from 17% to 26% in 2030. 
(3) Third option is inflation that helps shrink debt but generational divide makes this plan hard to sell because older are typically creditors so they dislike it.

The political power of boomers is formidable. But sooner or later, it cannot escape the maths.  

Other Discussions

The Euro: The rage in spain from Leaders (Murakami)
Industrial robots: Baxter gets to work from science and technology (Shimada)