
7-11 Metaphycians

Combating bad science
Sloppy researchers beware. A new institute has you in its sight

Ms.Kokubo’s research on STRP cells is now controversial issue in Japan. 
Researchers have to have some kind of ethics, scientific ethics in their mind. 
The people who are not engaged in research also know threats that heart the credibility of science.  

What I want to discuss:
“Why most published research findings are false (or irreproducible)”?
How do you think to keep the quality of scientific research?

What the article argues:
John Ioannidis, an epidemiologist, and Steven Goodman found a new institution called METRICS. 
METRICS aims to solidify the young discipline by “meta-research”. 
Dr Ioannidis will organize conference, create a “journal watch” to monitor scientific 
publisher’s work and spread message to policy makers, government and other interested parties.

METRICS' Mission statement: 
Identifying and minimizing present threat to medical research quality 

Threat 1: Irreproducibility(再現不可能性)
No one has tried to find out whether re-run experiments have actually had any impact on credibility of research.

Threat 2: Wasted effort(無駄な努力)
Vast amount of money(over $200 billion on medical studies) was wasted on false studies never published or poorly reported.

Threat 3: Publication bias(掲載の偏見)

Not all studies that are conducted are pubilished.

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